In the beginning of 1979 Iran was put under political tension whilst the people grew anger about the government. The current government at the time was called the Shah Monarchy and it was headed by Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. The opposite of the Shah government is the rebellion lead by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. The rebellion wants the government to be an Islamic Republic. The other key factor in the revolution is if the United States would back the Shah’s because of various resources and a large border with America’s Cold-War enemies the Soviet Union. Overall this revolution leads to many changes in the Iranian Government that are still questioned today.
The Shah Monarchy is more of a Dictatorship than anything else that is also backed up by a rather large royal army. The Iranian people didn’t approve of the Shah Government because they were brutal, corrupt, and overall had a negative effect on the community. The people viewed them as a shadow of the west and that Iran was going to become a fully westernized place, which is what the people didn’t want. The revolution was set off by riots and public speeches which inspired the people to stand up and revolt for what they want. When the United States were told to check out the Shah Government they issued a report that the country was no where close to revolutionary status or even pre-revolution status. The United States took the option to back up the Shah for oil and other natural resources. This decision angered the Iranian people greatly because that cemented their beliefs of the Government becoming westernized.
I believe that if the United States didn’t intervene with this situation that the Shah Government could have worked out the problems with the people and solved the problem. The United States current relationship with Iran are shotty at best and I believe it is because we helped the Government that was overthrown and now they are spiteful that we didn’t help them. If the United States had a better relationship with Iran right now then we would have an abundance of natural resources and one less nuclear enemy.
When the Abadan cinema fire occurred where 400 people died around 10,00 people came to mourn the deaths and they all believed it was the Shah Government who had planned this awful accident. Later after the ceremony the 10,000 angry and grieving people started to chant “Burn the Shah!”. This started the expulsion of the Shah Government from the country and the new power of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
When the Shah had finally ridden of the country their was mixed emotions between happiness and confusion. In the beginning they struggled but they finally got the hang of things and they have now created a successful Islamic Republic. This new government has shunned the United States and now we are in many disputes with Iran.
In the end the new Islamic republic has done well from the once strong Monarchy and has branched off creating new weapons. Although their nuclear program is questionable the new Islamic republic has done well in recreating the country. If we were a part of the this new country I think we could do a lot of great things together.
So what your saying here is that the United States came in and helped rid of the Shah and then once the problem was fixed the United States was shunned from the country? Why is that?
Why do you think the people of Iran could have sorted things out if the people of Iran has had problems with their government in the past? If the U.S. did not help the other side which the Iranies liked would that have caused more hat for the Americans.
I understand why the Iranian people would be angry at the US for backing the Shah Monarchy However, the United States saw that they weren't close to revolutionary status and therefor were just trying to help.
The U.S. seems to always have to jump into problems that do not concern us. We should just step back for a while and go back to the idea of being isolated for a while to see how it works out. If things get close to world war again then we can just nuke everybody.
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